How much should you pay your babysitter? Lets just say you pay your babysitter a mere $4 per hour.
The average high school classroom today is 40 students. The school day starts at 8am and ends at 3pm. There is a 30 minute lunch break and 6 five minute breaks between classes. Minus one hour.
$4 per hour for 6 hours is $24 per kid, per day. At 40 kids in the classroom, you're looking at $960.
And there are 181 school days in a year... times $960
$173,760 before taxes.
Check this out from the Bureau of Labor Statistics on average teacher wages:
Median annual wages of kindergarten, elementary, middle, and secondary school teachers ranged from $47,100 to $51,180 in May 2008; the lowest 10 percent earned $30,970 to $34,280; the top 10 percent earned $75,190 to $80,970.
According to the American Federation of Teachers, beginning teachers with a bachelor's degree earned an average of $33,227 in the 2005-2006 school year.
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